This is how the default key generation function looks like:
publicfunctiongeneratePlainCacheKey(string $method ='get',string $id = null,string $appends = null):string{ $name =$this->connection->getName();// Count has no Sql, that's why it can't be used ->toSql()if ($method ==='count') {return $name.$method.$id.serialize($this->getBindings()).$appends; }return $name.$method.$id.$this->toSql().serialize($this->getBindings()).$appends;}
In some cases, like implementing your own Builder for MongoDB for example, you might not want to use the toSql() and use your own method of generating the per-sql key. You can do so by overwriting the MyCustomBuilder class generatePlainCacheKey() with your own one.
It is, however, highly recommended to use most of the variables provided by the function to avoid cache overlapping issues.
classMyCustomBuilderimplementsQueryCacheModuleInterface{useQueryCacheModule;publicfunctiongeneratePlainCacheKey(string $method ='get',string $id = null,string $appends = null):string { $name =$this->connection->getName();// Using ->myCustomSqlString() instead of ->toSql()return $name.$method.$id.$this->myCustomSqlString().serialize($this->getBindings()).$appends; }}