The package has the ability to track the SQL used and use it as a key in the cache storage, making the caching query-by-query a breeze, independent of your ORM usage.
By default, caching is disabled unless you specify a value for $cacheFor .
use Rennokki\QueryCache\Traits\QueryCacheable;
class Article extends Model
use QueryCacheable;
* Specify the amount of time to cache queries.
* Do not specify or set it to null to disable caching.
* @var int|\DateTime
public $cacheFor = 3600; // cache time, in seconds
Both of the following queries have different keys in the cache storage, thus it won't overlap with other cached queries.
// For the below query, a hash will be made using the following SQL:
// SELECT * FROM articles ORDER BY created_at DESC LIMIT 1;
$latestArticle = Article::latest()->first();
// SELECT * FROM articles WHERE published = 1;
$publishedArticles = Article::wherePublished(true)->get();